Wednesday 7 June 2017

How To Capture Instagram-Worthy Photos

With the growing popularity of social media today, there is a need to constantly update your family, friends, and acquaintance about what’s new in your life on a daily basis. Hence, the term “selfie” became a sensational hit and was even added to dictionaries. Other words that are related to taking photos also appeared like groufie, for instance. It simply means a group selfie.

We only realized how narcissistic we all are with the advent of smartphones and social media. And you don’t even need to purchase an expensive DSLR camera to capture Instagram-worthy photos. Your personal smartphone will do. You can copy popular poses on Instagram and fill your feed with amateur photos that look professional to the untrained eye. And mind you, people make a living from their social media accounts. You’ll be surprised on how much they make just posting photos, videos, and updates about themselves.

It's a hard life. 21 years old, 300,000 followers, traveling the world for a living, posting your photographic results to Instagram. That's the day-to-day of Jacob Riglin, who is instantly likeable no matter how much you want to begrudge his seemingly perfect life. Instagram has made him a star, and, if you follow his guidance, maybe it can amp up your social appeal too.

You're not going to become an Instagram sensation by posting endless selfies and snaps of your bezzies on a night out, though. You need a hook, you need commitment and, most importantly, you need something people want to look at. Want to become a photographic hit? Follow these rules and you'll take a significant step closer to that goal.

Instagram's got millions of users, all sharing their snaps and pushing the internet to the point of image overload. If you're going to stand out from the masses, you're going to need to be doing something unique. Riglin suggests the best way to do this is to hunt for a new angle and perspective on the shots you're sharing.

"I very much go after the unique perspective, the perspective that hasn't been seen, the angle that hasn't been shot," he explains. "I look at a location, I see what's been shot and I work out how I can do that differently. I find that my followers really like when they see a location that's been shot a hundred times but I've found a different angle that no one else has seen."


Maintaining a social media account like Instagram, though, entails a lot of hard work. For the average people who find adulting hard, you might struggle to try to post unique photos and stories on your social media feed daily.

With the rising popularity of digital technology, social media has become a tempting platform for photographers to promote their talents online. Disseminated by Facebook, Instagram on smart phones, tablets and home computers, photography today thrives online. Even though the effectiveness of a social media platform totally depends on every photographer's goals and objectives, it definitely has proven to be a valuable medium for promoting many businesses.

Believe it or not, posting a photograph on Instagram has definitely much more eternal feel than any other social media platform. Capturing a successful snapshot for Instagram entails effective planning that can successfully catch attention of the audience.  While I no longer use the Instagram square format - when I did, I enjoyed finding the right photograph that I could recompose to that format.

The Instagram square format gives a photographer a chance to recompose an existing shot a second time - not all photos work in this format, so it was a welcome challenge to curate the right shots for the feed.  I will often post the same photo that I post on other sites to Instagram, but I also use it to post mobile shots, behind the scenes photos that I take while exploring, or other shots that I decide to take just for the Instagram crowd.


You don’t have to be a pro to have an Instagram account with thousands of followers. You just have to keep all these tips in mind in capturing and sharing interesting and unique photos that will keep your followers captivated and looking forward to your every post. Also, remember to post daily so people will have something to look out for every day.

And most of all, have fun. While many people take social media seriously because of the potential to make lots of money from it, don’t lose yourself in the process. Posting all these amazing photos can give you a new perspective on life but not all are real. There are many tricks that photographers do to make their photos look more enticing but are far from the truth. Don’t be like them and just enjoy your time while on social media. Remember that before social media marketers came, these platforms were used to connect people (family, friends, acquaintance and colleagues) and likewise help them connect with like-minded individuals.

How To Capture Instagram-Worthy Photos was initially published to The Blog


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