Wednesday 5 April 2017

Can Snoring Kill You?

We enjoy all the things we do, whether at school, at work, or at play. But at the end of the day, nothing is more comforting and rewarding than being able to lie down in bed and make our way to dreamland. Sleep is a vital human need. You’ll have a hard time functioning as a normal human being if you are sleep deprived.

Not only is sleep vital to restore normal body functions, it is also crucial to maintain good health always. Constant sleep deprivation can put you at higher risk of certain health diseases and disorder that were easily avoidable if you just sleep at least eight hours at night. But sometimes, lack of sleep can also be due to the loud snoring of your partner or perhaps the difficulty in breathing you experience while sleeping if you are a snorer yourself.

It might not be just an example of a bad habit. If snoring happens frequently, then it can make a great influence on quantity and quality of the sleeping and overall health. Snoring may cause problems not only for you but also for your roommates and loved ones. Returning to the health problems for snoring, it can cause headaches and fatigue during the daytime. Your snoring keeps the partner of yours awake all night. Therefore, you provide bad dreaming not only to yourself but also to the members of your family and close partners. It also creates a major problem for the relationship. The solution for this problem can`t be found in separate sleeping and separate rooms for sleeping.

Snoring comes to pay in times where you can`t breathe freely through your mouth or nose when sleeping. The surrounding tissue vibrates and produces this familiar snoring sound. People who have this issues have a floppy tissue that is more prone to vibrate and produce snoring. The tongue can also be a problem for snoring. In the very beginning of snoring it should be identified the problem why you started snoring. Therefore, to find snoring remedies, it`s necessary to find particular snoring causes.


Snoring can be a drag for many, especially for couples. Sleeping is a luxury for adults. Adult responsibilities can take up most of your time during the day and even at night that sleep is a welcome reprieve.

Here are some factors that contribute to snoring and what you can do to alleviate them.

Alcohol. Alcohol, a muscle relaxant, can slacken the tissues of your throat while you sleep. "We see this all the time," Dr. Patel says. "Spouses say the snoring is tolerable except for the nights when their partner has had a couple of beers."

Body weight. Extra fat tissue in the neck and throat can narrow the airways. Losing some weight could help to open the airways if the person is overweight or obese, although many people who are lean also snore.

Medications. Medications that relax muscles can make snoring worse. For example, tranquilizers such as lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium) can have this effect. In contrast, antihistamines may actually alleviate snoring by reducing nasal congestion.

Nasal congestion. Mucus constricts the nasal airways. Before bed, rinse stuffy sinuses with saline. If you have allergies, reduce dust mites and pet dander in your bedroom or use an allergy medication. If swollen nasal tissues are the problem, a humidifier or medication may reduce swelling.

Sleep position. When you lie on your back, slack tissues in the upper airways may droop and constrict breathing. Sleeping on your side may alleviate this. You can also try raising your torso with an extra pillow or by propping up the head of the bed a few inches.

Smoking. Men who snore are often advised not to smoke, but the evidence this will help is weak. Needless to say, there are already plenty of other good reasons to quit smoking.


These tips may help you overcome snoring, so you and your spouse can sleep soundly at night. Don’t allow yourself to constantly suffer from sleep deprivation or insomnia because help is available just as long as you ask. If you don’t, your health will suffer big time.

Apnea is one of a number of disorders that rob sufferers of recuperative sleep and, left untreated, can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, obesity and diabetes.

Sleep deprivation also can lead to depression, a weakening of the immune system and the chance for work-related or driving accidents. Driver fatigue is blamed for 83,000 motor vehicle accidents and 850 deaths a year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the United States.

Sleep science is evolving and finding new ways to help patients. Pierce had an upper airway stimulating device, similar to a pacemaker, implanted in his chest in 2011 as part of a clinical trial and now uses it every night. He turns it on when he goes to bed, and it delivers what he describes as a mild pulse to his tongue and throat muscles to keep air flowing.


Try making some lifestyle changes that will not only improve your sleeping pattern and sleep quality at night but improve your overall health too. You can never get back lost sleep. Important body functions take place while we sleep and our growth is impeded if we lie awake at night and unable to sleep.

Aside from developing life-threatening conditions that affect the heart, nervous system, and the brain among others, constant breathing impediments caused by snoring can eventually kill you. So, take advantage of innovative anti-snoring devices and sleeping apps that can help you beat sleep apnea and let you sleep better and longer at night. If nothing works, surgery can help you overcome this sleeping problem for good.

The blog article Can Snoring Kill You? was originally published to


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